Senator John Hoeven, U.S. Senator of North Dakota | Senator John Hoeven Official website
Senator John Hoeven, U.S. Senator of North Dakota | Senator John Hoeven Official website
Senator John Hoeven met with General Thomas Bussiere, Commander of the Air Force Global Strike Command, at Minot Air Force Base to discuss the progress of nuclear modernizations. The focus of the meeting was on ensuring Minot has the necessary infrastructure to house and operate upcoming weapon systems, including the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and the Long Range Stand Off (LRSO) missile.
Hoeven emphasized the need to accelerate the Sentinel program by constructing facilities simultaneously at all three missile bases, which could also help reduce costs. This comes after his advocacy with the Department of Defense to sustain the full ICBM fleet during the recent Nunn-McCurdy review. He also called for investments in upgrades to the base’s Weapons Storage Area and mission planning facilities to support the new LRSO cruise missile, which the Air Force plans to operate in the early 2030s.
“There are real, concrete steps we can take to accelerate our nuclear modernization programs, reduce the costs of the Sentinel program and ensure Minot is ready to field these missions as soon as the weapons systems are ready to deploy. Doing so is vital in ensuring our nation can continue to effectively deter the aggressions of our adversaries,” said Hoeven.
Hoeven's meeting with General Bussiere aimed to align key officials with the goal of building new missile facilities at the three ICBM bases and creating a plan to upgrade Minot’s facilities for the new cruise missile. Hoeven expressed satisfaction with the productive dialogue and plans to keep advancing these priorities.
As a member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, Hoeven is striving to expedite the Sentinel deployment by identifying cost savings to offset rising construction costs and advocating for the concurrent construction at all missile bases alongside the Department of Defense and Northrop Grumman.
Hoeven has also secured the Air Force's commitment to commence budgeting and construction for facilities to accommodate the LRSO on the B-52. He included a provision in the Senate’s Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction bill to ensure Minot has the necessary facilities by the time the LRSO missile is service-ready. Hoeven intends to continue his efforts as the appropriations process progresses in the 119th Congress to guarantee that Minot's facility upgrades are finalized.